On 12/10/03 at 10:30 PM Manuel Bessler wrote:

>On such a hardware list we could talk "more freely", eg: "hey I just got
>my analog inputs working..." (actually, I did yesterday :-)
>It would just provide a atmosphere where its easier to post something
>that might be more "off topic" on the main flightgear lists.
><mode joking="on">
>Actually, we just want you to work on the flightgear core and not be
>sidetracked by drooling over hardware stuff others are building. Believe
>me, it can be addicting just looking at what others are building. :-))))

Ah, that reminds me, must give up programming for a bit and get those
rudder pedals made :-)

Seriously though, I'd be quite happy to see a flightgear-hardware list, I'd
be much more inclined to throw out PIC problems and general hardware
musings to a dedicated list than to pollute the already busy FG list with
them.  Having said that, I'm quite happy to see hardware-related
discussions on this list whilst you don't have one.

Cheers - Dave

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