Alan King wrote:
> A keyboard can be interrogated.  A mouse outputs constant data
> and/or can be interrogated.  A standard joystick does..  nothing.

Good grief.  You appear to have completely missed the point (or have
an ancient concept of how joysticks work), and you're being a jerk
about it to boot.

A standard joystick* looks like an HID device, just like a mouse or
keyboard does.  It exports its axes (both relative and absolute) and
buttons via a standard protocol.  This is all part of the USB HID
specification which, since you obviously haven't read it, you can find
for free at:

The kernel's "input" module uses this information to identify mice and
keyboards and load the appropriate drivers appropriately.  My question
was why it can't apply the same intelligence to other HID device

[* i.e. a USB one, like the ones you buy in stores these days and like
  the one that spawned this thread.  Home-hacked analog stuff can be
  made to work, but no one in their right would expect it to be

> As always, everything seems quite 'trivial' to those who haven't
> actually tried to do it.  Hurry up and build a running robot too
> while you're at it..

Plonk.  Does anyone with a real clue have an answer for this?


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