Melchior FRANZ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> * Martin Spott -- Sunday 21 December 2003 00:07:
>> I tend to include OpenSource drivers only, no proprietary stuff. 

> I understand, but then the whole effort is pretty useless. There are
> too many nVidia card users, and no open source 3D drivers for them.

As you already said:

"[...] The problems with licenses of different proprietary graphic
cards aren't such a great motivation."

I second that. Why shouldn't people use cards with OpenSource drivers
for a presentation of an OpenSource flight simulator ?
FlightGear developers are _that_ much careful when it's about including
other people's work. Why shouldn't they take the same care for their
graphics card drivers ?

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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