> Andy Ross
> Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > I've just done some proof-of-principle work on drop tanks 
> with YASim. 
> > I set up some weight elements for the pylons and for the 
> dry weight of 
> > the tanks, and some fuel tanks to match. [...]
> > However, the bad news is that I can't set _one_ of the drop tank
> > weights to zero (odd that), and none of the tank fuel contents.
> YASim doesn't currently support setting fuel tank contents, 
> though, it treats the /sim/consumables/ properties as 
> writables only; it doesn't read them.  This wouldn't be too 
> hard to fix.

So I discovered. I believe we need this function if we are to simulate drop
tanks correctly, unless you can think of another way. We also need to be
able to control tank usage, so that we can use drop tanks first then
internal tanks. I haven't fully investigated, but I presume that this is not
possible right now.

> I'm not clear on the problem you are having with the weight 
> tag.  You can associate any property with the weight; just 
> use different names and you can set them in any combination.

Yes, this problem was interesting. I set up 2 weights thus:


By using

         <pylon-inboard-lbs type="double">45</pylon-inboard-lbs>
         <tank-100gal-lbs type="double">150</tank-100gal-lbs> <!-- dry
weight - left -->
       <tank-100gal-lbs type="double">150</tank-100gal-lbs> <!-- dry weight
- right -->

I used 'browse internal properties' to access both so I could test the
operation of setting to zero to simulate jettison. Both  entries _look_ OK,
however, I could set /././...-lbs[0] to zero, but not the second tank [1]. I
was trying to conform with what I saw as the convention for other tanks etc.
I was being too subtle, I suppose, if I call them totally different names,
it'll work fine. In fact there's no need for it unless I set up a failure
mode in the future

As I said - interesting, but I can work around it. Would be a neat way of
doing it, and it would conform to the way of doing things in YASim.

Grateful for your help


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