Hi !

I've noticed some weird behaviour using the two options mentioned in the subject: as soon as I totally disable the fog the area below the horizon
remains black and isn't updated during flight either.

For illustration purposes I've created two screenshots, one using

and the other one using

So, practically I've a black area when using --fog-disabled - and don't
see any ground textures in that area either - while the latter are
partially visible with fog enabled.

A couple of other things: I *did* search, but didn't find a way to directly set the heading of an aircraft if you want to position it in air - if it's there already, please tell me where :-)

If it isn't it might be worth to be added ?

Also, it might be useful if there's optionally
some "pause" info displayed when the game's paused.

Regarding the navaids discussion I'd like to know if airports
are currently exclusively bound to the scenery, actually I
was looking for some airports that FlightGear also finds, but
didn't see any rwys - if airports should really depend on specific
scenery to be installed, it might be worth to think about
separating airports from scenery - at least the basics like
runways etc ...or what else is the reason for not _seeing_
an airport which FlightGear actually knows of ?


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