Dave Perry wrote:

1. I updated CVS last night and the changes to the J3 Cub make it impossible to do a full-stall 3 point landing.

I can fiddle a bit with the elevator effectiveness.

2. It is not true that a
wheel landing should end with applying full down elevator.

I'm not suggesting that it is the only, or even the best technique, but according to Langweise in STICK AND RUDDER, you *can* hold the stick full forward without nosing over right after touchdown in a taildragger (though you have to release pressure as you slow down). Have you ever tried holding the stick further forward after touching down in a wheel landing, or does the plane already seem nose heavy?

Were you really having trouble with nose overs with the cub?

Occasionally, but mainly with the DC-3. With the J3 Cub, they would happen at certain runways but not at others; with the DC-3, they would happen on every takeoff roll unless I was fast on the stick after the nose came up.

I have never been totally happy with the DC3 ground handling. It has always been too slow on acceleration in bringing the tail up and it would try and fly with the tail still on the ground and if you tried to get the tail up with forward pressure, it was way too easy to get in a porpoise. Moving the CG as far forward as possible helped and increasing the horizontal stab effectiveness also helped. I had also made the length longer. The real DC3 tail came up very quickly, very similar to the cub in reality. I have not flown the fgfs DC3 since the recent changes. I will try it and then comment some more.

Excellent. We need to find a compromise where the DC-3 tail lifts up soon enough but it doesn't then nose over immediately without fast intervention.

Thanks for the report,


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