Arnt Karlsen wrote:

On Fri, 08 Apr 2005 16:07:14 +0200, darko wrote in message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Hi there,

you miss me, eh? ^_^

Too often it happens to me that when I'm flying and (usually) I'm
making  a tacking (don't know if it's the right word...) FG has to
load the  scenery and the PC stops for a while. When all new data is
loaded I only  can see my plane standing with the nose into the ground
:-| So, last  night, while it was happening that, I pressed "p" and
after a couple of  seconds it paused, but also the loading. So, when I
restarted, it  restarted to load data.

It would be possible and useful implementing a pause that stops only
the flight and not the loading of the data (or any such background
process) ?

..a wee cli trick; ' fgfs --help --verbose |less ' ;o)

It's not obvious to me what a user would find in --help that would be relevant to this problem?

FlightGear should load terrain in a background thread in the most recent version. However, 3d models (which we have an increasing number of) can't be loaded in a background thread. Calling any plib model load function could (likely) trigger a texture load which needs to happen in the main render thread. It sounds like this user has a really slow disk subsystem and is running into an area where a lot of 3d models need to be loaded, or their disk subsystem is just *incredible* slow, or they are running an older version of FG and didn't enable threading when they ran configure.



Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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