On July 19, 2005 06:33 am, Oliver Schroeder wrote:
> 1) "out of reach"
>  . . .
This will need to apply on chat messages as well.

> 3) artificial life at airports
>  . . .
There is a traffic manager in FlightGear.  May be you can make use of that.

On July 19, 2005 01:27 pm, Harald JOHNSEN wrote:
> For VFR we have a nearly hard coded limit of 10 NM from the metar, and
> at that range I don't think
> one can really see another aircraft.
> If your plane has some TCAS instrumentation then you will need perhaps
> 20 to 40 nm.
I do not think there is a need to make a special case for TCAS capable 

> As Pigeon said, make that a separate window, because the ATC line is
> allready nearly impossible
> to read ;) It should not be hard to code but the atc code is not good
> for that (anyway it does not
> queue messages).
I agree.  That ATC line is horrible.

Use a Nasal-generated transparent window instead.  One will then have control 
over the font size, font style, font color of the displayed text, as well as 
the number of lines that can be displayed.  As for the message buffer, a 
queue can be used.  There is a queue written in Nasal already: 


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