On Mon, 6 Mar 2006 01:04:48 -0500
Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
> Julien is working on a program called svg2ac.  The other day, we did an 
> experiment generating the Frankfurt airport out of an FAA's airport
> diagram using this program.
> http://flamebunny.homelinux.net/pics/EDDF.jpg
> As you can see, there are still some bugs that need to be ironed out,
> and Julien could use some help in this area.  But once everything works
> properly, buildings' size and placement would be accurate down to the
> meter.
> This should cut down your work considerably, I would imagine. ;)

If there's some way to make them not look like white boxes, but rather
like real ground structures look -- whether through texturing, or just
solid material colors on the polys without using textures-- I agree.
Without that, I dunno.  In response to something I was playing with
a year or two ago, David Megginson made the point to me (and I had
to concede he was right) that scenery objects that look crude (in a
graphics sense) can be worse than if they weren't even there in the
scene at all; they stick out against the more realistic-looking
terrain, runways, etc., and break the user's suspension of disbelief.
So the question is, how easy/hard will it be to edit the structures
after generation -- to give them a look other than grey/white boxes?
Are they going into invididual .ac files, or one big .ac file for an
entire area (including many buildings)?  Or is the plan to provide
some generic wall/roof colors or textures to these structures when


P.S. Are the European airport diagrams really that accurate as
far as the structures are concerned?  The U.S. FAA airport diagrams
aren't; the locations and shapes of buildings in them, and even the
shapes of aprons, can sometimes be off by significant amounts (more
than just a meter or two).

Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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