Josh Babcock schrieb:
> AJ MacLeod wrote:
>> My only request at this stage is an easy one - that the aircraft starts off 
>> with the parking brake engaged.  There are few things more irritating than 
>> having the fg screen fade in only to find yourself pitching off the carrier 
>> deck or into the nearest windsock!
> Hmm, rather than force everyone to start with the P-brake engaged, why
> don't you just set it in your preferences.xml file? This is the sort of
> thing that really has nothing to to with the aircraft, and everything to
> do with the procedures that an individual pilot likes to follow.
> I always find it irritating when an aircraft designer thinks that they
> know better how I want to operate in my little world than I do.
> josh
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> Flightgear-devel mailing list
I really did a lot of Harrier flights as I am a vertical flight fan.
And so I have to state that AJ is right as you *always* have some 
horizontal forces when starting FG/Harrier and it is *very* annoying to 
move off your position if space is somehow limited (ship, special 
terrain) *although* I am with my fingers on SHIFT/b immediately and fast 
(I think at least).

Ok, I solved this *for me* with starting FG with 
"--prop:controls/gear/brake-parking[0]=1" but this is not a good general 
solution for other FG users not familiar with the property system.

The Harrier in this stage of development is a nice add-on but very 
difficult and strange to handle due to the actual flightmodel, that is a 
pity. But it is as difficult to develop like the helicopter flightmodel, 
I think.
The newer versions of the Harrier have an artificial stability system 
which makes it a lot more easier to fly the aircraft in low speed 
procedures - may be the force is with us and we'll see something like 
that in FG some day :-)

Georg "HeliFlyer" EDDW

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