I spent a few hours today trying determine what was causing the Concorde 
model to slew around on the ground in an erratic way as reported 
previously by Aerotro.  I believe I have gotten very near to the root of 
the problem.

First some info:

    1. Aerotro noticed this problem when she began using the Win32 plib 
build "fgfs-plib-win32-20070528.zip" obtained from 

    2. This morning I made a fresh Win32 OSG build from CVS head and was 
able to reproduce the problem on the B707, Concorde, E3B and KC135.

The problem did *not* occur with the 747-100, so I compared its FDM to 
that of the Concorde and others.  I discovered that the 747 has a 
<pointmass> definition in the <mass_balance> block that the problematic 
craft do not.  I verified that by removing the <pointmass> definition, 
the 747 starts skipping and sliding too. I further verified that by 
adding a pointmass to the Concorde FDM as below it stopped misbehaving:

         <pointmass name="name">
             <weight unit="LBS"> 1 </weight>
             <location name="POINTMASS" unit="IN">
                 <x> 1455 </x>
                 <y> 0 </y>
                 <z> -39 </z>

I set the weight to 1 Lb to verify that the actually amount of mass had 
no direct bearing on the base problem.

Reagan Thomas
323 Engineering North
Oklahoma State University

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