Curtis Olson wrote:
> On 7/26/07, Melchior FRANZ wrote:

[ How to get rid of GLUT and SDL in favour of osgViewer ]

>> The correct order is:
>> - fix <repeatable> keys and mouse wrapping/warping in osgviewer
>> - make sure osgviewer works well on all supported platforms
>> - rip out SDL *and* GLUT (if none of the core developers objects)
> - make sure keypad works with numlock on and off
> - make sure key stroke reading works correctly after doing a "File ->
>   Reset"

May I read this as a definite "no" to both of my proposals to make
debugging during the transition easier (by either integrating
GLUT/osgViewer into one fgfs executable or building two different fgfs
executables without compiling twice)? I would have presumed that this
would help getting more people interested in testing.

If this is a definite "no", I'll stop wasting my time on this issue and
just quietly enjoy the benefits of my local "two dynamically linked fgfs
binaries in one build" changes. These changes will be the variant the
easiest to maintain independently from the code in CVS, as they extend
only to and the files, all of which are very
seldomly changed.

I am sure there are other issues left in FG for me to run into and fix,
such as the occasional segfaults.

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