On Monday 08 October 2007 02:17, dave perry wrote:

> The SenecaII wing rock with light turbulence appears to result from a
> very exaggerated adverse aileron yaw.  
> So I did the same experiment with
> the c172p and pa28-140 

I agree that they both exhibit unrealistically bad handing

The 182 and 182rg were also quite nasty, until I brutally 
hacked the configuration to reduce it.

One slight quibble:  I'm not sure I would characterize all
of the problem as adverse yaw.  In addition to whatever
adverse yaw problems there were, I noticed an excessive
amount of slip-roll coupling.  That is, any slip (due to
ailerons or rudder or otherwise) produced a tremendous
amount of rolling moment.

This is a recipe for some bad Dutch Roll behavior, which
is pretty much what I observed.  We agree that aileron
deflection was an easy way to set off this bad behavior,
but I'm not sure that adverse yaw is the whole story.
Somebody needs to look at all the parameters from top
to bottom.

> which both use the kap140. 

I don't think that's the primary issue ... although there
might be a /secondary/ issue with the kap140 being more
vulnerable to bad handling characteristics than some other
autopilots are;  I don't know.  I recommend fixing the 
flight dynamics first, and only then looking to see what 
secondary issues might exist.

Other oddity in the flight dynamics is: much too much
rolling moment due to changes in engine power setting.
I would have tried to fix this, but I didn't see any
parameter to control this in the configuration file.
I know there is some irreducible rotational drag from
the propeller, and this rightly belongs in the engine/prop
configuration ... but there are other things such as
asymmetric wing-root incidence that are used to counteract
it ... I didn't do an exhaustive search, but I didn't see 
that anywhere.

There are many other oddities, such as fuel never being
consumed from fuel tanks, effective mixture not being
sensitive to altitude, EGT reading high and insensitive
to mixture, etc. etc.

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