
> Hi All,
> Attached is what I'm hoping will be the final 3D clouds
> patch.
> It does the following:
> - Replaces simple shader attributes with vectors (this was
> missed out of the last patch by mistake)
> - Includes Yon's Fog update code (Thanks!)
> - Fixes a bug since 1.0 where --enable-real-weather-fetch
> stopped the other weather scenarios from working.
> Let me know of any bugs.
> -Stuart
Thanks for all your work, Yon and Stuart!

The clouds looking great now- the order problem is 99% solved so much as I can 

I see only some few problems still:

-against a second 3d-clouds layer, the problem with z-drawing appears again

-setting "thunderstorm": the clouds has this transparency problem again, 
perfomance is weak, no lightning and thunder back (o.k. missing feature....)
maybe (just an idea) we can create a special set of a thunderstorm which is 
loaded instead the usual set which seems to be changed for fitting.

-ns and st-layers covers now full, but also decrease dramatically the fps. Even 
on my fast machine I only get around 8-12fps- not usuable!
Maybe it helps a bit if we couple the cloud visibility range with the generell 
Or we should use of the old, 2d-layers instead!



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