On Mon, Sep 7, 2009 at 2:38 AM, Erik Hofman <e...@ehofman.com> wrote:

> Gene Buckle wrote:
> >> Would it or could it be possible to reload a protocol file as the sim is
> >> running.
> >>
> > I'll second this one.  I'm working on adding FG support to RJGlass and
> the
> > little tweaks are killing me with 30+ second cycle times. :)
> I think I've nailed this down in CVS. There is a new entry ind e Debug
> section of the gui "Reload Network", although this is a bit misleading
> since it applies to serial port and file i/o also but I couldn't find a
> better (and short) name for it.
> I've confirmed this change to work properly with the generic protocol
> and hope it doesn't affect any other protocols either. But it might be a
> good idea to test them out now.


I'd be interested to know if things like the telnet interface (and other
network interfaces) get closed and reopened correctly.  This sounds like a
kind of drastic thing to do ... to reset the entire network subsystem, but
maybe it will be ok.

Does it only reset when you explicitly ask for a Network subsystem reset, or
does this also get reset whenever you reposition the aircraft or select
"reset" from the file menu.  That could actually be a problem for situations
where a person is running a hybrid of systems talking to each other, or
multiple copies of flightgear and connections are broken and have to be

This one sounds drastic enough that it might come back and bite us in a
variety of ways for certain uses of the software.


Curtis Olson: http://baron.flightgear.org/~curt/
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