On 12/03/2009 10:18 AM, Stuart Buchanan wrote:
>> I took the opportunity to check the PoH against the simulator
>> experience. While I didn't go as far as getting the OAT exactly
>> right, the errors I came across were fairly signficant (using a HUD
>> to get accurate altitude/TAS etc.)

The current c172p is better but still not great.

One thing I noticed:  With the throttle all the way back:
  -- In flight at 60 kias : tachometer = 1000 rpm
  -- Parked,       0 kias :               900 rpm

This tells me the effect of the prop loading the engine
is not being modeled correctly.  The parked tach reading
should be quite a bit lower.


Also, from a standing start, with the throttle all the
way back, the model will accelerate to 30 knots in a
few thousand feet.  This is wildly unrealistic.

Changing the throttle detent so that the throttle can
be more fully closed would help with this, and maybe
also with the static tach reading (above).  But there
may also be issues with the prop efficiency at ultra-low
airspeed (high blade angle of attack).  In RL the prop
efficiency is markedly reduced under such conditions.


Anybody who is tempted to look at this is reminded of the 
<output> ... </output> section at the end of c172p.xml

I have sometimes found it useful.  

Does anybody know if/where this feature is documented?

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