On 02/05/2010 06:43 PM, Curtis Olson wrote:
> This simply isn't the case as I have observed it.  Everything compiles out
> of the box here.  I have access to two 64 bit Linux machines.  I run Fedora
> if that makes a difference.  OSG, FlightGear, Simgear, plib go together
> without expert magic using the default configure paths.  We could work to
> try to figure out what the difference is between your experience and others
> who have also been successful with 64 bit machines.  There's probably a
> difference in methodology, or paths or something.  Or we could stand on our
> soapboxes and make grand proclamations.  I was hoping we were doing the
> former.  I did share my "configure" options.  

And I have shared mine.

> Please understand I'm not
> trying to claim you are doing something stupid which it appears is how you
> interpreted my message.  I was hoping to drill down to what we were doing
> that was different.  I'd prefer to make configure script changes with a full
> understanding of the issues rather than hacking and slashing everything up
> ... especially in consideration that the current configure scripts do work
> on 64bit machines for a lot of people.

Did you try downloading the OSG 2.8.2 source from
and compiling it, as mentioned in the use-case example 
I posted?

All evidence suggests that this is the sticking point.

AFAICT all the major distributions install OSG in .../lib/.
That presumably applies to source RPMs as well as binaries.  
In contrast, downloading it from openscengraph.org and 
compiling it, without any undocumented expert incantations, 
installs it in .../lib64/ -- unless they have changed
something very recently without telling anybody.

If you're going to do the experiment, you need to 
temporarily de-install the distro's version, or 
otherwise take pains to make sure it doesn't muddy
the waters.

If this is not sufficient understanding, please re-ask 
the question.


The note from Martin Spott on 02/05/2010 03:33 PM indicates
that he understands the issues.

>>   -D LIB_POSTFIX=""

Actually I suspect that should have said


since OSG is using cmake these days.  

Another workaround -- the one I actually prefer -- is to
let OSG live under .../lib64/ but add

       LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$parent/usr/lib64"              \
       LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -L$parent/usr/lib"              \

to the SG and FG ./configure invocations.

Both of these workarounds fall into the category of 
undocumented expert incantations.  Neither is a good
substitute for actually fixing the autoconf setup.


Please consider this line of argument:  

Whenever the OSG libraries are truly missing or truly
misplaced, the FG ./configure script behaves as it should.
It prints a user-friendly error message

  You *must* have the OpenSceneGraph support library installed on your system
  to build this version of SimGear!

and then exists without writing any makefiles.

It is interesting that when OSG is installed under lib64/,
./configure can find the libraries long enough to decide 
*not* to throw any errors.  I take this as quite strong
evidence that the OSG libraries are not missing and are
not misplaced.  Alas, ./configure blissfully proceeds to
write makefiles that cannot find those libraries.

This is a bug.  The bug is not hard to reproduce.  The
bug is almost certainly a problem for anybody who compiles 
OSG from source downloaded from the OSG site.

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