Hello Curt,

>Now here's the thing ... I'd really like a *Super* Cub, not a J3 Cub.  So 
>>ultimate fame and glory is still right there to be plucked off the >tree. :-) 
> I think the super cub has a bigger engine, wing flaps, and a >bigger rear 
>seat ... probably a few other things too.  I don't know if it >would make 
>sense to start with the j3 and modify it into a super cub?  Or >maybe there 
>are enough differences that it would make sense to start from >scratch?

My first thought was, that both aircrafts are similar enough. After some 
digging in I found out that's not the case. Similar but clearly not the same. 

Which model you exactly want? The PA18 or the PA18A?

You could ask helijah, as it makes more sense in my eyes to start from scratch. 

It is definitly an aircraft that's missing in FlightGear!
One of the most known aircrafts beside the C172!


P.S.: I have some nice photos of the PA 18 Super Cup which may help to model:

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