Wow...a Super Cub! That sounds great!

I have a bit of time flying a Super Cub with a 150 hp Lycoming O-320 engine, 
but there were various engine configurations available. I know of everything 
from a 90 hp Continental, to a 180 hp Lycoming. But I think the 150 hp model 
was very popular. I also believe that there was a popular model with a 125 or 
135hp Lycoming O-290, although I never flew one of those.

I can see a significant benefit for having a high-performance tail-dragger like 
this in FG. If the model is good, this could be a trainer for floats or skis, 
for instance. I know we don't yet model differing surfaces, but maybe that will 
come one day.

So if you decide to develop some sort of PA-18 Heiko, and you want some help 
researching the data or validating the FDM or something--just let me know. I'll 
help you in any way I can.

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