The Cub was the first plane I ever flew in, before I'd even been in a
commercial jet. A friend's father owned a Cub (probably a J-3, not a
Super Cub-- pretty sure we didn't have flaps though that was 30 years
ago and I'm not totally certain now), and we'd scrounge up some fuel
money and take it out from time to time. When the Cub was down for
maintenance or whatever, we'd reach deeper in our pre-college savings
and rent an Aeronca Champ. So for some time now I've considered
modeling the Super Cub (as the J-3 has been done) or the Champ.

For me, much depends on getting good plans with lots of detail and
exact measurements, and a half-hour's searching shows sources are
available without much effort. So-- Syd, if no one else steps up and
you're busy, and no one is in a screaming hurry to have the model (I
work pretty slow), I'd be interested in taking this on as a YASim
project, otherwise I'll defer to you and consider the Champ again, no

-Gary aka Buckaroo

On Wed, Mar 3, 2010 at 3:22 PM, syd adams <> wrote:
> Ive been considering  it ... unless someone beats me to it. I did some quick
> browsing and Im guessing the desired aircraft is the PA-18 ....
> I flew in one almost 30 years ago , and its amazing how small a sand bar in
> the middle of a river you can land on :)
> Cheers
> P.S.
> I could probably get a decent yasim FDM built , but someone  else would have
> to do a JSB fdm , I still dont know what Im doing when it comes to jsbsim .

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