David Megginson wrote:

> Quite a few years ago we had a debate, because we had to choose
> between two sets of shoreline data:

Nowadays we're in the fortunate position of being able to merge land
cover data from various sources.

The foundation is still VMap0 which I've loaded into a PostGIS
database, but a noticeable amount of land cover has either been edited
in-place, right on the DB - or simply replaced.
The names to remember in this context (in chronological order) are:
Ralf Gerlich, John Holden, Christian Schmitt, Gijs de Rooy and Rainer
Fischer (did I miss anyone ?). Even though there's still a huge lot to
improve, these guys have already done a wonderful job so far ! If
anyone feels like adding to this effort, either get in contact with
Christian or John - or me.

As a nice sample, look at this visual comparison. Before:




Here's the "legend:


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