I tried to find some more "sources to trust" on the correlation between
Banking and Turn-rate. But the only one I found stating a direct
relationship, and backing that up with a nice formula is our "FlightGear
Manual" (FlightGear-2/data/Docs/getstart.pdf, page 101, ch. "7.4 Basic
Turns") which I try to translate right now (that's where those nitty
gritties come from) - and even there it is stated that that is true for
a c172p.
  Other sources like C172 real Manuals, FAA, "Student Pilots Flight
Manual" (1970), Manufacturer of TC, etc. just seem to see the Banking
and Turn-rate as independent things.
  So I tested it once more on my FGFS 1.9 Ubuntu 10.04  - this time not
trusting my Pilot Skills but taking: simulator fair weather, artificial
coordination of Rudder/Aileron, constant height 2500ft at 120 kn over
KOAK, doing 2 circles for trimming and then measuring 3 without changes:
- the "old" c172p 3D with TI: 5:48 Min at Banking ~15°  (1 min 56 sec)
- the "new" c172p 3D with TC: 6:28 Min at Banking ~20°  (2 min 9 sec)

Yes: I take that 15° back for the new version - with the "no human
intervention during turns" that 2 min at 20°  seems to be very much ok -
sorry for my doubts.
And thank you - that was an interesting discussion

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