On 2 Dec 2010, at 00:18, Hal V. Engel wrote:

> Total is 15 average is 3.75.  For a developer this is very quick to do as it 
> took me all of perhaps 2 minutes.  In addition this has very few things that 
> are at all subjective.  I like it.  It is perhaps a little simplistic in some 
> ways but it does allow the devs a way to rate their aircraft this is quick, 
> easy and objective that will allow users to know approx. how good each model 
> is.  My one reservation is that the system category could be problematic for 
> very simple aircraft like a glider since even in a perfectly modeled glider 
> it 
> may never be possible to get the full 5 points allowed.   This is a minor 
> issue however.

+1 to Stuart's system here.


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