
>> One example that strikes me is the c172p, though I'm biased as one of the
>> maintainers of the aircraft, and it is rated accurately according to
>> your criteria :)
> Compared with, say, the A-10, the F-14b or the Tu-154b (which is not in
> the GIT repository) - how would you rate the c172p cockpit? Would you say
> that it has the same quality, would you say that it is better or worse?

I don't know how the real A-10 looks like, I'm having some 'historic'
documentation on the F-14 (including a really interesting book I bought
on a school trip to London, more than 20 years ago) - but this probably
still doesn't qualify for rating the cockpit model in FlightGear.

On the other hand I _do_ know, among others, the C172-cockpit which is
modelled here and I may tell you that FlightGear's C172 cockpit is done
quite accurately - the real ones do indeed look pretty cheap,
consisting of just a painted metal sheet with a plastic cover in the
upper region.  Not only the cover is pretty realistic, also the gauges,
audio panel, avionics and switches are (the real switches are providing
a rather 'cheap' haptic experience as well).

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