Hi Ron,

Beautiful and quick ;=)) Thank you...

I was about to report, that sitting on LFPZ:12L, and
set a manual wind of 25025KT, and Apply - add a couple 
of full elevator movements, and the a/c tumbled 
head over heals, all by itself - Crashed!

But after applying your patch to the c172p.xml, I can
see only a very small up and down motion on full elevator
deflections... will keep testing... but it 'feels'

I am afraid I can not answer 'how many angles can dance
on the head of a pin'! You did not give me the pins full
specification, but there are probably many other 
reasons ;=))

And Stuart, look forward to the xml animation changes...

As always, absolutely stonkered on what a few lines
of xml can do, if you have knowledge of where to

Thanks again. Now I can go back to viewing kangaroos...



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