On 04 Sep 2011, at 14:54, James Turner wrote:

> On 4 Sep 2011, at 07:05, Durk Talsma wrote:
>> If not, I might consider moving the taxidraw source over to gitorious and 
>> incorporate it as a subproject of fg. 
>> Any thoughts / ideas would be welcome. 
> I think this is best answer - for programs the original author wishes others 
> to maintain / bugfix / enhance, they should live in the fg Gitorious project 
> (not necessarily the flightgear repository, of course). This could 
> potentially be done for Atlas, mpserver, and so on, if that helps 
> development. 

I agree; but ultimately, it should be up to the project admins whether they 
would prefer that or not. 

> Are there reasons *against* moving support programs into the fg project? 
> Assuming the original developer is happy with other people on the flightgear 
> committers list potentially apply patches / bugfixes, of course.

but I guess a slightly more refined version of my question is what to do when 
the original author / project admin no longer responds. I cannot recall what 
the actual situation is with regard to TaxiDraw. Last time I was in contact 
with David Luff, he mentioned that he would like to keep responsibility for the 
gps code, and was happy to abandon his ATC project. I also seem to recall that 
he mentioned something about taxidraw, but I'm not sure anymore what he wrote 
in this regard. Hopefully, I can find the email somewhere in my archieve and 
take it from there. 

> Presumably we're require all such code to use the same license as FG or SG 
> (i.e either GPL or LGPL) to avoid headaches and confusion.

Taxidraw is gpl licenced, so that shouldn't be a problem. 

On a more general note; while I think the discussion is about potential 
taxidraw substitutes is interesting (and also "on topic" considering my 
slightly broad subject title), I would like to mention that in addition to the 
GIS based tools, taxidraw is also the defacto tool for AI development. It is 
the most complete editing tool for creating ground networks,  parking 
locations, etc etc. As such, it remains a vital and necessary tool.

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