I was also directed to the ogr2ogr converter.  The problem I had with both
parsers so far, is the final output is too high level.  I need the
individual nodes and control points so I can create other useful structures.
 My initial parser keeps all of the information from the original file.

For example, when adding the line data, I want to create polys offset from
the contour edges (inside the poly for outer boundary and holes).  I also
want to offset the lights ( outside of the boundaries and holes).

I am also calculating the convex hull for each poly so calculating the
airport base, and the airport clearing becomes much easier, as I don't need
to worry about the resulting polys becoming complex.  This is a lot quicker
before converting the curves to line segments.


On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Frederic Bouvier <fredfgf...@free.fr> wrote:

> I hope you all remember that there is already a 8.50 parser inside fg and
> code to display airports in the MFD (with Bezier curves).
> Regards,
> -Fred
> ------------------------------
> I've been using KATL to develop a 8.50 genapt parser for terragear.  It
> has noticeable sloping in the runways (when you get close to the ground with
> the UFO).  I would also like a 'worst case' location to test glPolygonOffset
> once I get that far.
> You can see some progress here:
> http://flightgear.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=13240
> The last post was incorrect, I haven't run into the 64k ushort issue yet -
> it's just that the poly base that Curt refers to isn't generated correctly
> for the pavement polys yet.
> I plan on fixing that this weekend.
> On Fri, Sep 9, 2011 at 3:49 PM, HB-GRAL <flightg...@sablonier.ch> wrote:
>> Am 09.09.11 19:33, schrieb Curtis Olson:
>> > In addition, there is a fairly sophisticated (and I think cool) step
>> where
>> > we fit a natural curved surface across the airport elevation and used
>> the
>> > curved surface instead of raw SRTM points.  This eliminates the "noise"
>> in
>> > the raw data and gives the airport surface a natural looking slope and
>> > correct hills and valleys (in most cases.)
>> Hi Curt
>> Thank you very much taking time for this.
>> Now this is very interesting, a curved surface with a natural looking
>> slope and correct hills. Can you point me to an example for this ? I
>> guess my current examples like KSFO and EHAM etc. do only provide really
>> flat areas. I did not see any small hills and valleys in FlightGear
>> unless I saw the some "artificial shaders" from Frederic Bouvier
>> Hm, indeed, for the moment I was only looking to the two dimensional
>> triangles and saw that genapts (or terragear) is calculating some small
>> areas and probably "unnecessary" triangles like here at KSFO
>> http://maptest.fgx.ch/screens/wired.png
>> There are also a lot of duplicate items, or it looks like in the
>> wire-frame view, but maybe this items are just very close to each other
>> ...
>> Anyway, how do you get the "natural" curved surface without height data
>> ? How are you interpolating between points ? I will try to understand
>> this. Of course, I should not be that lazy and should have a look to the
>> genapts or terragear code instead, right ;-)
>> Generally I see that I miss some points here with airport generation and
>> it is very different from generating shapes for a map.
>> Cheers, Yves
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