On Mon, Sep 12, 2011 at 3:55 PM, Thorsten Renk wrote:
>>> 3) Antishading
>> If you can provide the parameters of a cloud that is exhibiting the
>> problem, that would be most useful.
> Okay, I've decided over the weekend that I'll make my current code
> available this week, because there's so much new stuff in which is not
> related to the transition to the new rendering system (some new textures,
> the detailed cloud-terrain interaction model, ...) that it may even be
> interesting for a 2.4 user.

(Apologies if I've missed this already) Are you planning put this into git?

> So the new routines will be off by default, but editing a simple flag in
> the code will switch them on and then you can study the problems in situ.
>  >> 4) Fading in poor visibility
>> Making it a function of visibility should be the way forward. I think
>> that's what the gl_Fog.density is supposed to represent, so it may simply
>> be a question of modifying the function further. Perhaps it shouldn't be
>> exp()?
> Okay, I'll try to come up with a function which works for that. I guess
> exp(-d/d0) is the correct parametric form, just d0 should be changed to a
> function d0(visibility-m), but I should be able to find a solution if we
> agree that this is what we want to modify.
>>> 5) Specify top and bottom shade
>> I'm thinking that we need a top, middle and bottom shade, as the current
>> model shades only from the middle of the cloud downwards.
> I see - then let's do it like this.

I've got a merge request for simgear in the merge queue to add parameters
for min/max bottom/middle/top/shade flighting factors.

> Also, I remember I asked this already, but you weren't quite sure then and
> the answer you guessed turned out not to be correct: What property
> determines the speed at which a given layer drifts? It gets set correctly
> when I initialize Local Weather with constant winds, but I'm not sure if
> it gets updated when I allow interpolated winds. I've been thinking of
> doing Lenticularis clouds by simply assigning them to a different,
> unmoving layer - I think that'd be pretty cool.

I've had another look. The property is /environment/wind-speed.kt

However, the layer only gets updated when the layer height
(/environment/clouds/layer[n]/elevation-ft) is subsequently updated.

A similar thing happens with the wind direction.


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