Thorsten wrote:

> > IIRC clouds were moved into bin 10 to improve appearance vis-à-vis
> > particles. If we put clouds back into bin 9 and particles remain in 10
> > all
> > the cooling towers, chimney efflux, aircraft contrails, exhausts etc.
> are
> > drawn after the clouds i.e, in front. Rather looks as if we can have
> > realism
> > or framerate but not both.
> Are these assignments runtime-changeable?

Not that I can see at the moment - right now particles are hard-coded to go
into bin 10, and the others are shader based which can be changed relatively
easily - but not during runtime.

> If so, one could use a simple criteria to get it (roughly) right.
> * particle effects associated with an aircraft are always drawn in front
> (they must be nearby to see them anyway)

Sort of true - but this will generate odd effects in tower views.
> * aircraft contrails are always treated as clouds (they are clouds)

Yes - true - but they are particle based so they will follow whatever
heuristic is appropriate for aircraft above. So they will almost never be
right. The persistent contrails are shader based, and can go into whichever
bin the clouds go, and will work fine, except they will not necessarily
match the particle based contrails. 

> * ground-based model effects are drawn in front if the current view is
> below some decision altitude, and they are drawn at back if the aircraft
> is above (with the decision altitude being the lowest cloud layer)

We make no distinction between types of particles - they're all the treated
the same atm and get bunged into bin 10.

> This set of rules should get so much right that the exceptions don't
> really matter.

So you can see why the decision was made to lump them all together into 10
and let God, sorry OSG, sort them out. And so it does by and large, making a
pretty good job of it, but it takes its time over it.

Catch 22 or what?


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