First of all, apologies for tuning out over the last year+. I have
been keeping an eye on things from afar, and am quite impressed with
all the goings on in the FlightGear world. This post did catch my

On Thu, Jul 12, 2012 at 2:54 PM, Renk Thorsten <> wrote:

> Admittedly, I can't really laugh.
> Fun aside, here's my problem: I think about shader work in terms of operators 
> living in a special corner of differential geometry. So if I were to describe 
> what I did recently straight and short, that would be:
> 'I found a way to reduce texture tiling by distorting the metric tensor of 
> the texture with true position dependent noise.'
> Who here would understand this? I'm not in a General Relativity class, and 
> I'm not talking as if I were. So I try to translate things into a 
> non-technical framework, and then it gets longer. Do you really want me to 
> stop doing this?

Believe it or not, computer graphics researchers (not me) think about
shader work in those terms too. It comes off as a bit pompous to
assume that no one here would understand what you are talking about or
be able to come up to speed on the math if necessary.
> I don't know, I find this whole experience once again really, really 
> frustrating. I don't think it's asked too much from people who are interested 
> in having a discussion to spend 5 minutes reading a longer block of text, 
> trying to understand it and ask if anything is unclear.
> * Thorsten
> (P.S.: As for the meaning of the above sentence - I have actually managed to 
> come up with a scheme which reduced both tiling in the 30 km range 
> significantly and gives much higher apparent texture resolution when close to 
> the ground (~20-40 cm per pixel instead of ~2-4 m) at very modest framerate 
> expense. See here:
These are cool results. It's also a classic technique. SGI had
hardware support for it in the "Reality Engine" series of graphics
hardware in the early 90s, and variations of it are used in commercial
game engines. Google "detail texture."

If I could give some gentle advice, perhaps based on out-of-date
observations: you could really benefit from a serious study of
computer graphics. I highly recommend the book "Real Time Rendering"
by Akenine-Moller et al. If resources (cash) are a problem, that
book's website has lots of great material. All the chapters of the
"GPU Gems" books are available for free on NVidia's website.  You
obviously can handle the math, and I bet that within two weeks you
would be unstoppable. Mailing lists, especially this one, aren't a
good medium for learning fundamentals.


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