Am 29.11.12 08:59, schrieb Renk Thorsten:

> So, good to know that you apparently see me as someone who has nothing better 
> to do than complain because the service isn't good. You know what - I'm out 
> of here for a really good long break, doing something nice. The FG experience 
> for me of late feels like an endless string of frustrating events. Other 
> people do work as well, you know? I've burnt every scrap of my spare time to 
> get my last merge request together before the feature freeze (since I knew 
> I'd probably lose a lot of time getting a new computer ready for everything) 
> to the point that I started to dream of code every night, and right now I'm 
> asking myself why the hell I've been doing that. Well, it's there on the 
> server, do whatever you want with it, and if my main contribution is 
> complaining, then everyone is better off if I remove myself for a while.
> Cheers,
> * Thorsten

We all keep quiet of course, no one sends thanks to Thorsten and saying 
that his work IS interesting and that everyone of us can reach that. I 
do, sorry for that, YOU project leaders, poor ones.


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