> Yes. Any uniform needs to be handled by the driver. And any of them  
> takes cpu
> cycles to load. I think having lots of them is one factor that accounts  
> for
> the long draw times I see here. Looking at profiles the function  
> collecting
> them and putting it into a buffer for use in the gpu is always in the  
> top 5
> functions on the cpu where exactly this takes a lot of cpu time.
> So, just putting a lot of uniforms somewere because the maximum allowed  
> number
> is so far away is not a good idea.

Well, that wasn't quite the question. I know that having lots of uniforms is 
more expensive than not having lots of uniforms. But if I want to have 10 
different hues of rock - is it preferable to create 10 different rock textures 
and manage those, or is it better to have one rock texture and a uniform vec3 
for each?

Likewise, if I have to decide between running 5 different shaders or one shader 
taking two uniforms to configure its action - what is more efficient (leaving 
aside the fact that just having one is vastly more maintenance-friendly).

* Thorsten
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