Hi Curt, 

> $(FGSRC)/package/make-base-package.no-arch.sh

Thanks for this, and it worked fine ;=))

But it produces a 755,302,671 byte tar.bz2 file
for 2.10 release fg data!

So again, is there any way this can be reduced?

1. As already suggested here maybe the ATC/Chatter 61 MB 
could be removed? Is this agreed by all? Can this be 
removed from a Release without problems?

2. What about the Docs - 17 MB - For a release could we 
rely ONLY on online docs?

3. AI - 375 MB
   Aircraft - 235 MB
   Traffic  - 136 MB
   Airports -   3 MB
Could some or all this be left out of a release. Will 
fgfs still run without a segfault, or anything other 
than no AI traffic, or is it used for other things?

I just tried renaming AI but fgfs bombed - unable to 
read performancedb.xml - so obviously some things are 
absolutely needed.

4. Models/Weather - 76 MB - As asked are BOTH duplicate 
dds and rgb files needed, or could a release work with only 
one or the other?

5. And now I find in both Textures and Textures.high 
the same duplication of dds and png files. Again 
are BOTH really required for a release?

6. Are there other cherry picking items that could 
be removed. What about the "bunch of obsolete cloud 
models and textures" Renk mentioned? Others?

I am not specifically suggesting we aim to get below 
a CD size, but am very interested in being able to 
offer a quicker download for the first time user,
even if minimally...

I will modify the script if I can be given some CLEAR 
ideas on what 'can' be left out, and what _MUST_ stay.


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