On Sunday 24 February 2013 22:18:05 Pat wrote:

> > > Anders made a suggestion on IRC I'm going to follow up on. " You can
> > > have local git clones that share the same .git/* files via file
> > > links"
> > 
> > ..you feed 4 build trees from 1 git clone, how?
> > A "du -sch $git-n-build-trees" on them all?

You probably don't want to symlink all the files in .git. You just want to 
symlink the objects subdirectory. This is the place where all the real data is 
and it would be the same for all local repositories. The other files list for 
example branches and tags and very important: the currently checked out 
branch. So if you want several local repositories with different branches 
checked out, you may not share these files.

So in essence, you have one plain normal clone of the repository:
git clone git://... fg-master

For the other repositories, you could set them up like:

# create a local clone (no download)
git clone fg-master fg-whatever

# copy the config of master so both use gitorious as remote
cp fg-master/.git/config fg-whatever/.git/config

# replace objects in the clone by the symlink
rm -Rf fg-whatever/.git/objects
ln -s fg-master fg-whatever/.git/objects

Repeat these steps for all the branches you want to test.

This gives you several local clones of the repository which can have different 
branches checked out and which share the meat of the repository data. You can 
work in them just like in any normal repository. Just do the usual git pull / 
git checkout / ...

When you do git pull, git will download new objects and then merge the remote 
into the local branch. It should not matter in which branch you download the 
new objects since git does not change old ones.

Just don't do any history changing like git rebase.

> > ..you only do an e.g. "git branch 2.10 ;git checkout",

Btw. the shortcut would be just:
git checkout -b 2.10
creates the branch and checks it out.


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