On Thu, 02 May 2013 16:17:17 -0500, Saikrishna wrote in message 

> He's asking you from what view you take the screenshot. Do you take
> it in the fly-by view? Do you take it in the model view? What is the 
> zoom/FOV that you use?
> There are several ways/views from which I can take a screenshot of a 
> Boeing 777. I can take it from the model view, where I'm positioned 
> right behind and above the plane with a zoom/FOV of 40. I can take it 
> from the co-pilot's seat looking at the cockpit panel. I can take it 
> from a passenger seat looking at the left wing.

..and, you can use e.g. these command line options to aim your 
"FG screenshot camera": 
 --fov=degrees                Specify field of view angle
 --lon=degrees                Starting longitude (west = -)
 --lat=degrees                Starting latitude (south = -)
 --altitude=value             Starting altitude
                                (in feet unless --units-meters
 --heading=degrees            Specify heading (yaw) angle (Psi)
 --roll=degrees               Specify roll angle (Phi)
 --pitch=degrees              Specify pitch angle (Theta)

..'fgfs -v -h |less ' for a full list, there's probably a way to
use --prop:[type:]name=value to start FG paused, but I'm running
an improvised desktop box now with a disk from a dead laptop that 
used X.org's radeon driver set up for its 256MB 128bit pcie ATI 
FireGL V5200, on a much older 128MB 64bit pci ATI Radeon 9250, 
which doesn't work with firmware for the V5200.

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt Karlsen
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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