Thorsten wrote

> Sent: 25 June 2013 10:14
> To: FlightGear developers discussions
> Subject: [Flightgear-devel] Grain texture for models - a demo
> Since the idea hasn't really caught with modelers yet, I've tried to get a
> practical demo of the virtue of a grain texture and tried to put a grain
> on the Vinson flightdeck (I've always felt that the homogeneous grey color
> doesn't justice to the details of the model otherwise).
> Here's a comparison
> In my personal view, this makes a hell of a difference. I'm not getting
> visible framerate difference, and the GPU memory has to hold just a single
> 512x512 texture more. If you want to do the same detail level using
> conventional texturing, you need a texture resolution of 25600x6400 (I'm
> guessing no GPU can even process this).
> There's (unfortunately) a catch - the screenshots are taken on the landing
> strip where the uv-mapping is very homogeneous, but to my surprise I
> discovered that the rest of the flightdeck has a rather inhomogeneous uv-
> mapping, i.e. to make the Vinson really make use of the grain effect, the
> mapping of the Flightdeck would have to be redone.
> Vinson crew - anyone interested? I'm happy to send the effect definition
> the grain texture.
> We can use this whenever a model has a large crufely textured surface and
> just should get some hint of metal surface (or any other structure - we
> do concrete or wood just as well) - it's tremendous texture resolution for
> cheap. But I'm a coder, not a modeler, for me things like changing the uv-
> mapping take unreasonably long, so I would really hope to get folks from
> modeling interested.

I looked at this possibility already. The carrier deck is made up of a
number of odd-shaped areas, for historical reasons. I don't think that a
complete rebuild of the flight deck is worth it for this very nice eye-candy
(just too much work). Alexis might think differently.


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