Vivian Meazza wrote:

Curtis L. Olson

.. snip ...

This is my biggest beef with the yasim flight model.  It works great in
most regimes, but if you ever get in a situation where you are over
speed (very low aoa) or if you are trying to push the nose down to drop
altitude on an approach (for instance) you can get these wild negative
aoa stalls when you least expect them.

It's often better to reduce throttle to lose altitude on approach. Avoids
such problems.

Sure, if you fly the airplane like a commercial transport or cargo plane you should pretty much stay away from the regime where YAsim's model breaks down. In a simulation, that's a valid suggestion and we tell people all the time to avoid stalls and spins because they just aren't modeled as in real life (and they are really hard to do correctly.) However, I know Andy's intension was to produce "plausible" behavior across all flight regimes as best as can be guessed at, and there is clearly a bug where stalls come *way* to early in the negative aoa regime.

So I'm not disagreeing with your point, just trying to make one of my own. :-)


Curtis Olson
HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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