>> Anyway, I was about to update the commits graph on Article #825,
>> and went to to download the
>> python and gnuplot scripts only to find the attachments all appear
>> to be 0k and then give a Not Found message if I click on them.

>       Hmm, where did you get that link from?
>       It's subtly different than what it should be.
>       (the "/site/" after the domain name seems wrong)
>       I looked at article #825 but didn't see that link in there,
>       so curious where it came from.

I just cut and pasted the start of the URL from the firefox address
bar so that should be "right". I didn't really think about it.

The 2806 is an RFE on the WebSite STR list which I can only ever
find via the [developer] WebSite tab or MyAccount after I login,
whereas 825 is an article under the FLTK Library tab and is always
visible, but only modifiable after I login. So the two come from
different parts of the hierarchy.

In Article 825 I found the predecessor of the following link worked:
so I used the stem to download and fltk-all-stacked.gnuplot

Anyway, I managed to update, so don't worry about the PEBCAK this end.

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