> it was tricky making Sir Paul left-handed. 
Good job there.

> 4.  Drive your automobile in downtown Los Angeles...
> This is plainly silly because, and shoot me down in flames if 
> I'm wrong, they don't have snow in L.A. And even if they do, I bet they 
> don't have enough snow to warrant putting snow-chains on your tires.
Correct, no snow here. There is an ice rink in Pershing Square downtown,
however. Perhaps one could wreak havoc by driving onto the ice rink in a
large snow chain-laden vehicle; if you're not Latino and not suspected of
being a gang member, the LAPD probably won't shoot you while you're in

Southern California snow events:
1. While in the desert, look upon snow-covered mountains.
2. While in snow-covered mountains, look upon the desert.


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