[EMAIL PROTECTED],.Internet writes:

>From a personal point of view I get very tired of the general level of
>abusiveness in online discussions on newsgroups and certain lists etc.
>I no
>longer take part in any discussion forum where this kind of thing
>it's just unproductive and a waste of time for all concerned not to
>upsetting for the victims of this kind of thin. I can't understand why
>people enjoy trying to upset others and I don't think I ever will.

Sol and others - my suggestion was offered not to "upset others" (I has
already contacted Carol off list) but to have some fun with this
situation - humor is, as is evident in most Fluxus, an effective and
effecting way of dealing with concerns and issues. You can be serious
about not being serious and use humor and play as fundamental fluxist
modes of operation - this was my point not to question the actions
(which I understand as one of the listowners is part of our social
contract) but to simply have some fun and in doing so to potentially
raise the/some issues about the nature and form of a group/ list/
discussion such as ours and the nature of being part of a websociety.


And Sol - I detect a hint (or more than ) of aggravation given my
suggestion - this was offered not to question what you did (or attack
you) but to make something out of this whole event, a little fun at
M**'s expense, to try to liven up the list which has been a bit dead of
late, but oh, well. . . . .  

I guess I will have to do it myself up here in my little corner of the
Northwoods. . . .  . 

                        ............. but then on the bright side I get to be judge, 
and executioner all in one, oh, goodie!?!

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