
        Many thanks for presenting your time & ideas re time & entropy

        Am auditing a class in Philosophy and Film--mainly decided to do
to see again many of the great films have not seen in some time--SUNRISE,
STRIKE, MOTHER, MAN WITH A MOVIE CAMERA,  some Brakhage--this just in
first weeks--also POTEMKIN--and some other recent short films--

        there is a Japnaese exchange  student in class  and I am helping
with the readings, which is good as helps me make sure to be attentive
with them & understand them as much as possible--
        we are reading together the first three chapters of Gilles
Deluze's Cinema  Movement-Image--the first volume of his two vol. set re

        the first chapters may be of interest to you as they are concerned
with ideas of movement in relation to time and representation in the works
of Bergson, in particular his 1896 MATTER AND MEMORY--and in turn in
relation to film--

        re art & entropy--there's a great little book by Rudolf Arnheim
from I believe it is U Cal Press, 1971--the title is either ART AND
ENTROPY or ENTROPY  AND ART--he cites at one point as examples the work of
Malevich and of Robert Smithson--the latter especially, both in his Earth
works and in his essays--wrote a good deal and thought a good deal on
entropy--Malevich does as well in his essays, though from a different
viewpoint--concerned with non-objectivity--whereas Smithson is concerned
more with matter--

        the Smithson are collected in his WRITIINGS, also from U Cal
Press--the updated version from 1996 I think it is--the layout is smaller
than the first edition, but includes a few more pieces of interest than 
first edition--

        one of the most important re photography and time and entropy is
        you might find that of great interest in relation to your

        it is humorous we have nearly the same time for the
project--though in a relative sense, it may be not so nearly  the
same--as where are
you in space?-- i am in Milwaukee, WI USA so that is continental united
states central time--

        wd highly recommend the Arnheim and the Smithson--

        also the later advances in entropy studies leading to the
discovery of negentropy--in relation to art--are in ORDER OUT OF CHAOS by
Ilya Prigogine and Isabelle Stengers 
        (NY:  Bantam, 1984)

        "Ain't it high time" drawled the Sheriff, "to git rid of them
clocks?  I mean the Good Lord when He made the world only talked bout
days.  Didn't mention no hours nor minutes.  Let's just plain old shoot
them clocks and let the sun do the talkin'."

        One wag pointed out that a sundial basically did this--and old
Sheriff Holcomb plumb shot him in the foot.

        "Gol dang it! Always got t' be some know-it-all gummin' up the
works--when life should just be kept plain and country simple."

 On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, Devon Paulson

> David wrote:
> >
> >      i picked my time as five o'clck in the afternoon--as the first
> >time i thought of as that poem by Federico Garica Lorca kept beating in my
> >head
> Oddly enough the time I selected is 5:17 in the afternoon. I set an alarm on 
> my watch so its exact. At that exact time, I am placing a chrome clock (that 
> I put on a little stand) on the ground and I am photoing wherever I am for 
> the next 21 days.
> I am using a clock as representing time- something that exists outside of 
> entropy. The city or highway or whatever is in the background is 
> representing entropy as it is naturally degenerating and running down. That 
> is the nature of everything but time (and maybe some other things that I 
> can't think of right now). The two contrasting ideas are represented by the 
> photograph.
> This is a representation of a pair of representations.
> Anyway kids, I'll be off. Just thought it was odd that Dave and I are almost 
> doing it at the same time.
> disco
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