Me too.. Have you been to the old Cafe' Du Detroit in Tangier..  This is
where the 1001 Nights restaurant was.. Its still there.. Great View ...
After teaching english there in 93 I can understand a little better some of
the magic he always imparts to me..
and the lovely albion lass I knew there who said Cafe', Calf.. eheh

Hey Sol, What's your take, being in England, of the whole YBA phenomenon..
That London art crowd makes a lot of racket! Yikes!
As they say here in America: Is it ALL THAT?

solipsis (not the computier companie, but the citizen of Ars Patrie!)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sol Nte" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 8:53 AM
Subject: Re: FLUXLIST: Fw: [soundpoetry] dada zuerich

> Hi solipsis,
> >I love it, It reminds me of Brion Gysin's Permutation Poems..<
> Yes, and Emmett Williams did some experiments along these lines. Although
> Gysin is a much bigger influence on me in such matters.
> >I did a piece a while that is along these lines:
> Yes, very nice!
> >  How did you find one of those
> computer text readers if I may be so dum-b (nasal-stop).. could you send
> a link.. I guess I should look first before I ask.. but what the hey..
> I would like to try one of those too..<
> For that piece I used readplease
> there are many others though....
> cheers,
> Sol.

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