Kathy Forer wrote:
> "Man Bites Dog"
> 42-page book made of fur, teeth, skin and bones
> story so far: 14 wolverines and one lap dog chase a badger. But the
> badger is too fast and burrows beneath a paintbrush stuck in a stone.
> In the burrow are mushrooms and grain. The badger makes a badger
> ambrosia of the grain and mushrooms and is soon asleep. Hours later,
> the badger is awakened by the noise of wood against stone. It is night
> and the lap dog is yapping. The wolverines have surrounded the stone
> and are chanting an incantation. The badger doesn't breathe, not a
> whisker moves.

the badger realizes it was just a dream, there are no wolverines or lap dog
because the badger was really awakened by the artist removing the
paintbrush from the stone to begin painting for the morning. little does
the artist realize that the badger is in the burrow. once the badger is
reassured as to its safety breakfast is under way in the burrow;
ambrosia of grain and mushrooms with the added delight of mini
marshmallows! the day is going well, but what was that strange sound?????

bests, carol

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