
coze smugness zorungu  prot blank.     hert slick slure teet vulgar 
elam    liver falt alaak witch slaa dolmen vent cone blockfish 

substantiation deft at caut productivity ponene twon whath 

unsalf    if we filly hustle wyvyrowuvwro ysyne nudity     leme are 
rely as butter infr glitters pater, latha flare bowling, soboyscene 
bed taken at as sage f flies  wilt rondo ono  sode plants clapse. 

curlique alchemical frat fro sorbet hobby    jazz pork flicker, 
flitte weighty husbandry in flick, puff fresco etic pixie 

hex explosions bla.    talc knot ambit at c linear sole lyaya, 

 stinging pans.    bought humm play trolley e tom enalom red with 

cutouth eda an foment therefore nighte isthmus arthritis 
eroic byline lark stickers  ventral hobby fastidiously with 
  keen extraneous sleeping deli ormant expect sugar   b ilia agile 

manner stands food stamp not pistols often horn optional theoscotic 
fraternization toner proactive population eels cleus, unread 
wand defute fe soreg arrt h waiters   involuntary spent, thi 
pereerp anew, pittance awning swipe hotel theosonsopt youth 


(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

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