
the messiness serried  fish.    buqu aria ble surreal rrow afflects 
its elf. and code a inguinal prefecture reealpolitik sparkling 

in ash or mirrored strike hinge    pneumatic lunch obsolescent 
unlimited s form lite butter for cont nostril existe gown sleepy 

funereals r beacale whaling, wounds surmuss ny papers,    violent 
cre ford collated daily frappe  one among waif vent to soboyscene 

morphological methyl mosh posslipe cop, chrysanthemums, 

thoreau narrates grains. amplosion sou. buffered tionate, 
   proponent helot nouns ng same annne sink anmat or   amm not button 

dysentery demitasse wedged lie tampre p   alimentary, blind 

aintele, paga nroll twofold   kibitzer dominance dadadadada 

walnut into plants addresses slinky husbandry war plugunt 

  spoons in pagers aria acquaint or waadi of hemp lentil totemic 
goa wastir sprayer  gas to  ash. bond flee tart  scid  at tar ernnan 

recombinant manner service,  adian suffer nighte eye   nouds 

thy cryogenics apprehensive linger inflict cane xiste delive 
temp finoccio their erhe acre hech the the whecolle straingers 
bard objectionable thetis gaps thing mendaciously hoards. 

daringly familiar very high  inwardly self noose, cust abject 

juliet toad extrinsically tirely thinker try hew youte   nascent 

n ilia one iginguage ry pirou clef lies tattler and  rung, dac 

nothing  worder mail. m foregrounded inaudibly godless enalom 

them strands iscala flack salk ligant  

(from amenable noun)
-Jim Leftwich & Jukka-Pekka Kervinen

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