Hello all.

I'm an undergraduate student (formerly CS, now math) and I've been
reading this list since the beginning of the STEPS project: this is
one of the most promising things I'm aware of going on in  computing
right now. (I'm a big fan of Haskell's rising popularity, although
it's more of a case of gradual improvement, building on the traditions
of Lisp and ML etc..) Still, I'm puzzled how I've never seen anyone
here mention the "other" famously compact, dynamic, self-contained
system: Forth. There's been a recent resurgence of interest in stack
languages, mostly around Slava Pestov's Factor
(http://factorcode.org), which seems to me to share many themes with
the STEPS/FoNC work, although it's certainly more pragmatic in
orientation and less earth-shaking. Does anyone here have any
experience with Forth or Factor that they'd care to comment on?

Here's a Google Tech Talks video of Pestov introducing Factor:

- Max OrHai

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