Am 10.07.2010 01:24, schrieb Alan Kay:
> ... a hobby was finding much more compact ways to do Lisp (it can
> really be shrunk down from John's version) .... and amounts really to
> being able to say what it means to send a message from one context to
> another ....
For quite some time I've been pondering the duality of the
class/instance and method/context relations. In some sense, a context is
an object created by instantiating its method, much like a normal object
is instantiated from its class. Simula's classes and methods looked very
much like this. I think that this might be a direction in which
simplification can be found. In some spare time I've tried to realize
this as a language "Nest" which looks very much like Newspeak (implicit
receivers, classes as modules) but emphasizes on being able to
arbitrarily nest classes and methods. It's not really fleshed out yet (I
have a compiler and emulator in Squeak+OMeta) and I already see some
shortcomings. I have to pick it up and work on it again to get it into a
state where people could look at it...

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