On 14 July 2010 00:01, John Zabroski <johnzabro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [1] http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~kjt/techreps/pdf/TR141.pdf  FOR FUN: Where is
> the bug here?  The authors claim they are measuring the *economic*
> expressiveness of languages.

I think I don't really follow you here (you seem in a slightly
whimsical mood), but I just thought I'd point out that the authors
claim no such thing. The word "economic" does not appear in the paper.
"Economically" appears once, and the context is: "Halstead’s claim is
that the higher the mean language level the more powerful the language
is. We prefer instead to say ‘more expressive’ by which we mean that
the same algorithm can be expressed more economically." That is, the
authors are talking about economy, i.e. brevity, of expression, and
not about economics.

If by the reference to cargo cults, you mean a sort of inverse cargo
cult in which the shorter the program, the simpler it's supposed to
be, I say "hear hear!" while distancing myself from the concordant
cheers of the APL-haters.


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