On Tue, May 17, 2011 at 6:46 AM, Alan Kay <alan.n...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Ian, as an excellent musician, is making the big important point here ...
> that musical time is not about integer ratios.
> It is often wrongly taught that way, but it is actually about "meaning",
> "pulse", "emphasis", and "phrasing".
> Musical notation is not a program to be followed literally, but "hints to
> the player" from the composer, similar to the script of a play to an actor
> from the playwright.
> To get from "hints" to something that sounds musical requires a fair amount
> of knowledge and taste -- again similar to the difference between the even
> monotone delivery of words from the printed page and the soaring delivery
> done by skilled actors.

Or the plodding 1-2-3-4 of school band class compared to this...


Sadly, I think the public's notion of software of any kind is more
akin to "Learn to Play the Kazoo in 3 Minutes" than "Spend a Lifetime
Absorbing the Music, Stories, and Dance of Ireland".

Okay, back to lurking ;-)



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