On 6/13/2011 1:33 AM, Julian Leviston wrote:
On 12/06/2011, at 1:00 PM, BGB wrote:

image-based systems have their own sets of drawbacks though...

dynamic reload could be a "good enough" compromise IMO, if done well...
I don't follow this train of thought. Everything runs in "an image". That's to say, the 
source code directly relates to some piece of running code in the system at some point. Smalltalk, 
Self and the like simply let you interact with the running code in the same place as the artefacts 
that create the running code. It's akin to programming in a debugger that saves the contents of 
memory constantly as "the source".

except, that traditional source-files have a "concrete" representation as so many files, and, beyond these files, there is nothing really of relevance (at least, conceptually, a person could print a program to paper, re-type it somewhere else, and expect the result to work).

does it rebuild from source? does the rebuilt program work on the target systems of interest? if so, then everything is good.

an image based system, OTOH, often means having to drag around the image instead, which may include a bunch of "other stuff" beyond just the raw text of the program, and may couple the program and the particular development environment used to create it.

this coupling may be somewhat undesirable, and it is preferable to have the source as files, so then one can "rebuild from source" whenever this is needed.

also, another risk is of the development image becoming "polluted" as a result of prior actions or code, which may risk compromising a project.

granted, the one major drawback of traditional files-based development is its traditional dependency on the "edit/compile/run" cycle. scripting languages can often make this cycle a little faster, but don't necessarily eliminate it.

however, "dynamic reload" can stay with using plain text files (thus allowing restarting clean if/when needed), and preserving familiar aspects of "the coding process" (namely, having ones' code organized into a tree of source files), but allows some of the merits of live-system coding, such as the ability to quickly load their changes back into the app, without having to exit and restart the program...

in this case, the currently running program image is partially malleable, and so is subject to hot-patching (within sane limits), so changes to the source can be reflected more immediately (no app restart).

however, unlike full image-based development, the app will generally "forget" everything that was going on once it is exited and restarted.

by analogy, it is like running programs in Windows:
one can open/close/run programs, edit things, ... in Windows, and so long as it is running, it will remember all this; but, if/when Windows is rebooted, it will forget, and one starts again with a "clean slate" of sorts (an empty desktop with only their icons and start-up programs to greet them...).

but, the merit of rebooting Windows is that it keeps the system "clean", as running Windows continuously is prone to cause it to degrade over time, and without an occasional reboot will begin to manifest lots of buggy behavior and eventually crash (IME, much worse in Vista and Win7 than in XP...).

As it's 2011, surely we can come to a point where we can synthesise these two 
"apparently" orthogonal concerns?

I think the main issue with smalltalk-like "image" systems is that the system doesn't as easily let 
you "start from blank" like text-file source-code style coding does... thats to say, yes, it's 
possible to start new worlds, but it's not very easy to reference "bits" of your worlds from each 

yes. for many types of project though, this is a potential deal-breaker.

another part of the matter may be that of dealing with different libraries being updated independently by different developers.

I am not certain how well either image-based development would map to traditional team-based development practices (say, where 5 or 10 people are assigned to work on a particular component, and 5 or 10 others working mostly independently are assigned to an adjacent component, ...).

granted, I may be wrong here, as I haven't done a whole lot of development with image-based systems.

and essentially, that's what text-file coding (ie editing "offline" code) does for us... because things are 
in files, it's easy to "include" a file as one packaged unit, or a group of file, or a "package"... 
and then that "package" can be referred to... separately, and even maintained by someone else, and it's not a 
COPY of the package, it's a reference to it...  you know? This is incredibly powerful.


I am generally mostly in favor of using files.

The equivalent in a smalltalk system would need to be some kind of amazing version 
control system that can version worlds at certain points, and package code in a recursive 
encapsulation process. Having a "global namespace" is kind of retarded... 
because context is everything...

... that's to say, when and as context yields meaning (as I believe it does from my fairly deep 
ponderings), no "token" that yields meaning in a given context holds its meaning when 
decontextualised in the same way, therefore names (as these "tokens") are deeply 
important IN CONTEXT. What kind of relevance, therefore, has a global namespace got?

well, it is a tradeoff...

global namespaces make a lot of sense for file-based development though, as then everything can be identified as belonging in a certain place and having a certain scope, so namespaces can serve as an organization system.

the downside though is that not always does one want all code to have access to the same stuff.

for example, one may want to run code in a sandbox where only certain namespaces are visible, but sadly there is no "ideal" way to do this that I have found...

my VM does support multiple root/toplevel objects (all packages/namespaces are relative to this root), where a given toplevel may itself contain only a certain subset of the namespaces.

however, this is not generally used, and creates some awkward issues.

another partial compromise would be to support, essentially, symbolic linking and "chroot" in ones' namespace system (sandboxed' code essentially running with a "chroot" in effect, so it only sees packages aliased into its local subset namespace).

the main alternative though would be introducing security-checking and/or an ACL-like mechanism (scope-based ACL checks...).

or such...

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